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Often times when I’ve been working with a partner for a while we’ll be focused on Point B, as in- Where are we headed (in the different...

You're Right!
There is one absolute truth about the way our brains work- we always get to be “right”- no matter what it is we choose to believe, we are...

Every day we are authoring a story and I love to write. I think it is a phenomenal way to download your brain, clear the clutter, get...

#gosports !
From the mouth of a brilliant woman and one of my best friends in Denver- “I think athletics are great and sports are fucking dumb” ...

Good Morning!! My perspective shift as related to gratitude: Life of abundance with a scarcity mindset Life of scarcity with an abundance...

Leadership Skills- 9 truths
1. The ability to follow - Letting go of micro-managing empowers other members of the team to relax, trust themselves and make stuff...

People People People
Relationships and people are arguably all that matters. Do things even happen if it's not shared with other people? If a bear shits in...

Philosophy and Science
Happy Friday everyone! I’m off to LA to see two of my best friends and clients get married today and I couldn’t be more excited. I got to...

Loving yourself (and why it's not just a bunch of hoo ha)
The problem with not loving yourself is that built into that is the belief that you are, in fact, incapable of being loved. And you...
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