You're Right!
There is one absolute truth about the way our brains work- we always get to be “right”- no matter what it is we choose to believe, we are right. We are so excellent at proving our opinions based on emotional experiences with subconscious gathering of evidence when we’re not even paying attention. We farm the task of gathering proof out to our subconscious mind so we can focus on more important things. Like forming the next belief based on the next experience. We choose once and boom-- neural pathway formed, precedent established, subconscious brain gets to work proving us right. 30, 40, 50 years of emotional experiences later we have our adult brain- full of handmade tripwires, land mines and trauma. Also known as noise, clutter, nonsense or bullshit. Stories- Some true, some not. But all 100% true to us. We all get to be “right” whether or not we are factually correct. Example- My ex girlfriend at at Chipotle a total of once about 10 years ago and got diarrhea shortly thereafter. She has decided that Chipotle (she calls it Chipoople) is terrible and always gives her diarrhea. She tells as many people as she can this story, she finds other people that have also gotten sick within the same time frame as eating Chipotle to corroborate and commiserate with. She has a lot of evidence in the form of testimonials and one true life experience. She’s right. I love to Chipotle and think it’s awesome even though I think it’s bullshit they charge for chips with a veggie burrito. It’s quality ingredients and I haven’t regretted any money I’ve spent there. I’ve been to Chipotles all over this country. Minor league baseball buses, business layovers for lighting and coaching- I even recently moved to Denver just to be near the birthplace of the very first Chipotle. Chipotle is amazing. I’m right. We’re both right. Perspective based on actual experience is all that matters. Even if I were to get sick following a meal at Chipotle at this point, my sample size of data is so large that I have deemed the restaurant a safe place to eat in my mind. One case of diarrhea shan't deter me from my over priced lime and sea salt covered chips. Chances are I would actually call my ex (we’re friends now) and I’d tell her about it- she’d be happy and have one more account to back up her Chipoople nickname. That my friends is a win/win
The next time someone expresses an opinion that you disagree with I'd like to invite you to try something like this- "that's an interesting perspective that's different from my own- Why do you believe that?" Ask from curiosity and not judgement and actually learn about another person- keep in mind they're just as right as you are... My ex is 100% positive Chipotle gives people diarrhea- she's right. I am 100% positive it doesn’t- I'm right. We’re all right and we're all choosing what to be right about
