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Every day we are authoring a story and I love to write.

I think it is a phenomenal way to download your brain, clear the clutter, get some clarity-- All hugely important steps to living a peaceful existence.

Maybe you haven't exercised that creative muscle in a while- but it's ok! Let's dust it off together- try this prompt:

What is your perfect day?

Just write. And above all else- literally the only rule-- don't think!

Forget about typos, grammar and organization- witty turns of phrase and existential big picture ideals. Ease and flow of thought is all that matters in this case. Let your conscious mind kick start the process with a vague thought and expand expand expand.

For this to work effectively, you must learn to type or write faster than your brain can tell you "this is stupid". Learn to write and live faster than your own bullshit.

Your story, your day, your path is all being written by your mind. You are the author and the source in your life.


What is a perfect day?

How does it start? What do you do first? Where do you go? Who do you spend time with? What do you do together? What types of things do they say? What types of things do you say?

This exercise is both incredibly simple and incredibly vague.... on purpose and by design!

Have fun, get as detailed as you want to get and enjoy the experience of releasing attachments and emotions- and don't worry- no one will ever see it unless you publish it.


If you want to take this a step further, which I highly suggest, pick your next day off and go live your perfect day!

You will then truly understand what it means to be an author of your own story.

After all, we're all just writers, weaving a tale.

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